Medical Science and Technology

Health for life: Discover the balance of life

Health for life: Discover the balance of life

nutrition and health for life

In our busy lives, we often forget about our health because we have so much to do. But having good health is like having a strong foundation for a happy life. “Health for Life” isn’t something temporary; it’s about taking care of yourself for a long, happy life. This article will show you some easy ways to do that.

Eat Good Food

Eating healthy food is really important. You should eat fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, and good fats. Try not to eat too much processed or sugary food. Your body needs these healthy foods to work well.

Move Your Body

Exercising is not just about losing weight. It’s about making your body strong and flexible. You can do this by walking, playing sports, or praying. Maintain and do these regularly.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleeping is when your body fixes itself. You should get 7-8 hours of sleep at night. It will help you feel better and think more creatively.

Deal with Stress

Stress can make you sick, so it’s important to manage it. You can do this by doing relaxing things like deep breathing or yoga. It’s also good to talk to someone when you’re feeling stressed.

Go to the Doctor

Seeing a doctor for regular check-ups is a good idea. They can catch problems early and help you stay healthy. Don’t forget to get vaccines and tests as your doctor recommends.

Take Care of Your Mind and Feelings

Health isn’t just about your body; it’s about your mind and feelings too. Try to relax and do things you enjoy. Talk to friends and family when you’re feeling down, and it’s okay to ask for help when you need it.

Avoid Bad Habits

Smoking, drinking alcohol, and using drugs are harmful to your health. If you have these habits, you should leave these. Your body can heal when you stop these bad habits.


Health for life: Role of a dispensary

medicine selling at dispensary

Dispensaries help people with their health in the “Health for Life” program. They provide important medical treatments and information.

  1. Medicines: Dispensaries offer medicines like medical cannabis to help with pain and other health issues.
  2. Advice: The people working at dispensaries can give advice and share knowledge about different products, so you can make good choices for your health.
  3. Safety: Dispensaries make sure that the products they provide are safe and regulated, which means they meet quality standards.
  4. Learning: Some dispensaries offer classes and resources to teach people how to use medicines for better health.

In simple words, dispensaries in “Health for Life” help people by giving them the right medicines, advice, and information to stay healthy.


Let’s discuss about Health service of different places:

Health for Life in White Marsh

health for life in white marsh

The health system in White Marsh, a suburban area in Baltimore. Key features of the health system in White Marsh include:

  1. Healthcare Facilities: White Marsh is home to a range of healthcare facilities, including hospitals, clinics, and medical practices, offering comprehensive care to residents.

  2. Access to Specialized Care: Residents have access to specialized medical care, including services related to cardiology, orthopedics, pediatrics, and more.

  3. Primary Care: Primary care providers in the area offer essential healthcare services, such as routine check-ups, preventive care, and basic medical treatments.

  4. Community Health Initiatives: White Marsh promotes community health through initiatives like health fairs, wellness programs, and educational campaigns to encourage healthy lifestyle choices.

  5. Collaboration: Healthcare providers in White Marsh often collaborate with schools, businesses, and community organizations to address local health needs and ensure residents have the resources they need to maintain good health.

  6. Proximity to Baltimore: The proximity of White Marsh to Baltimore allows residents to access world-class medical facilities and specialists in the city for more complex or specialized healthcare needs.


Health for Life in Ellsworth

health for life in ellsworth

Ellsworth, a small city located in Maine, has a well-organized healthcare system that caters to the needs of its residents. Key features of the health system in Ellsworth include:

  1. Hospitals and Medical Facilities: Ellsworth is home to several hospitals, clinics, and medical facilities that provide a wide range of healthcare services. The Maine Coast Memorial Hospital is a prominent healthcare provider in the area.

  2. Primary Care: Residents have access to primary care physicians who offer general healthcare services, routine check-ups, and preventive care. This ensures that individuals can easily manage their health and well-being.

  3. Specialized Services: Ellsworth’s healthcare system offers specialized services, including access to specialists such as cardiologists, orthopedists, and other medical experts. This ensures that residents can receive specialized care without the need to travel long distances.

  4. Community Health Initiatives: The city promotes community health through various initiatives, including health fairs, wellness programs, and educational campaigns. These efforts encourage healthy lifestyles and preventive care.

  5. Telehealth: Like many healthcare systems, Ellsworth has embraced telehealth services, making it easier for residents to consult with healthcare professionals remotely, especially in cases where in-person visits are not necessary.

  6. Health Insurance Access: Various health insurance options are available to residents, ensuring that healthcare services are financially accessible to a broad range of the population.


Health for Life in Baltimore

health for life in baltimore

The health system in Baltimore is characterized by a diverse and robust healthcare infrastructure. Key features include:

  1. World-Class Medical Institutions: Baltimore is home to prestigious medical institutions such as Johns Hopkins Hospital, University of Maryland Medical Center, and MedStar Health facilities. These hospitals are at the forefront of medical research and provide high-quality care.

  2. Research and Innovation: The city is a hub for medical research and innovation, with a strong emphasis on cutting-edge treatments, clinical trials, and healthcare technology.

  3. Public Health Initiatives: Baltimore’s health department is actively involved in public health initiatives, disease prevention, and health promotion. Programs target issues like vaccination, maternal and child health, and substance abuse treatment.

  4. Community Health Centers: The city offers accessible care through a network of community health centers, ensuring that underserved populations have access to primary care and preventive services.

  5. Addressing Health Disparities: Baltimore is committed to addressing health disparities, particularly in underserved neighborhoods, by providing resources and services to bridge the gap in healthcare access.

  6. Medical Education: The city is a center for medical education, training healthcare professionals and contributing to the workforce of the future.


Health for Life in Cave Creek

health for life in cave creek

Cave Creek, a town in Arizona, has a healthcare system that primarily serves its residents through a combination of local healthcare providers, clinics, and medical facilities. While Cave Creek itself is a relatively small town, it is part of the larger Phoenix metropolitan area, which means residents have access to a broader network of medical services.

The healthcare system in Cave Creek includes:

  1. Local Clinics: Cave Creek has several primary care clinics and specialty practices, offering services such as general medical care, pediatrics, and more. These clinics are often the first point of contact for residents seeking medical attention.

  2. Hospitals: While Cave Creek doesn’t have its own hospitals, there are numerous hospitals and medical centers in the Phoenix metropolitan area, providing a wide range of specialized medical services. Residents can access emergency care, surgeries, and advanced medical treatments within a reasonable distance.

  3. Specialty Care: Residents can also access specialized healthcare services in nearby cities, including Scottsdale and Phoenix, which are known for their medical expertise in areas such as cardiology, oncology, and neurology.

  4. Telemedicine: Telemedicine services have become increasingly popular, allowing residents to consult with healthcare providers remotely, which can be especially beneficial in rural areas like Cave Creek.

  5. Health Education: Community organizations and health departments in the region may offer health education programs and resources to promote wellness and preventive care.

The healthcare system in Cave Creek benefits from its proximity to the broader healthcare resources in the Phoenix metropolitan area, ensuring that residents have access to a wide range of medical services and specialty care.


Health for Life in Bethesda

health for life in bathesda

Health in Bethesda, Maryland, has a rich history and continues to play a vital role in the community. Bethesda is well-known for its contributions to healthcare and medical research. Here’s a brief overview of health in Bethesda and its history:

  1. Medical Research Hub: Bethesda is known for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a major medical research center that makes important discoveries in health and medicine.
  2. Walter Reed National Military Medical Center: This hospital has cared for military personnel for many years and continues to do so.
  3. Education and Healthcare: Bethesda has institutions like the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS), which trains medical professionals for the military.
  4. Community Health Services: The area has hospitals, clinics, and wellness programs to ensure people can get good healthcare.
  5. Healthcare and Research Advancements: Bethesda’s healthcare institutions have helped improve medical knowledge, treatments, and clinical trials that help people not just in the community but around the world.


Health for Life in highlands

health for life in highlands

The health system in Highlands is characterized by a focus on holistic well-being and access to healthcare services that cater to the needs of the local population. It typically includes:

  1. Community Health Initiatives: Highlands often emphasizes community health programs, promoting outdoor activities, and wellness events to encourage healthy lifestyles.

  2. Primary and Specialty Care: Residents have access to primary care providers and specialized medical services to address a wide range of healthcare needs.

  3. Health Education: Public health campaigns and educational resources are commonly employed to raise awareness about preventive care and health promotion.

  4. Natural Health Benefits: The region’s natural beauty and surroundings play a role in promoting health, encouraging residents to engage in outdoor activities and appreciate the positive impact of nature on well-being.

  5. Holistic Wellness: Holistic approaches to health and wellness, including complementary and alternative medicine, may be integrated into the healthcare system.

The specific healthcare facilities and services in Highlands can vary, but the community’s focus on well-rounded health and access to necessary care contribute to a comprehensive health system that supports the residents’ well-being.

At the end

“Health for Life” is a journey that lasts a long time. By eating well, moving your body, sleeping enough, managing stress, going to the doctor, taking care of your mind and feelings, and avoiding bad habits, you can stay healthy for a happy life. Your health is very important, so take care of it today, and it will make your life better in the future.


  1. Local Government and Community Websites: Official websites of White Marsh, Ellsworth, Baltimore, Cava Creek, Bethesda, and Highlands for information on their healthcare and community health programs.

  2. Healthcare Providers: Local healthcare providers, hospitals, and clinics in each region for statistics, services, and community outreach programs.

  3. Health Department Reports: Reports and publications from county or city health departments in the respective regions. These reports often contain valuable health-related data and initiatives.

  4. Community Health Organizations: Organizations such as non-profits or community health centers may provide information on their work in promoting health and wellness.

  5. Academic Research: Academic institutions in the regions may have conducted research related to healthcare, community health, or public health initiatives. Their publications and studies.

  6. News Articles: Local newspapers and news outlets that covered community health programs, healthcare access, and initiatives in their coverage area.

Image credit: Image by Freepik, , Image by wayhomestudio on Freepik, Image by cookie_studio on Freepik, Image by upklyak on Freepik, Image by DCStudio on Freepik, Image by KamranAydinov on Freepik

Writer is the graduate health technologist from University of Dhaka and former paramedic of Urban primary health care project, Dhaka.

ICD-10 code for hypothyroidism

ICD-10 code for hypothyroidism

ICD-10 code for hypothyroidismWhat is ICD-10?

ICD-10 code, or International Classification of Diseases, 10th Edition code, is a system of alphanumeric codes used by healthcare professionals to classify and document various diseases, conditions, and health-related issues. Each code corresponds to a specific medical diagnosis, symptom, or cause of illness. These codes are used for medical billing, insurance claims, healthcare statistics, and research. ICD-10 codes help ensure consistency and accuracy in describing and recording health-related information in medical records and healthcare systems.


What is Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is a medical condition where the thyroid gland in the throat doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones are essential for regulating your body’s metabolism, which affects how your body uses energy. When there’s not enough thyroid hormone, it can lead to various symptoms, including fatigue, weight gain, sensitivity to cold, and other health problems. Hypothyroidism is usually treatable with medication to replace the missing thyroid hormones.

Common Signs of Hypothyroidism:

  1. Feeling Tired: People with hypothyroidism often feel exhausted all the time.

  2. Putting on Weight: Your body may gain weight, and losing it becomes a real challenge.

  3. Always Cold: You might feel unusually cold, even when it’s not cold outside.

  4. Dry Skin and Hair: Your skin might become dry and itchy, and your hair may feel brittle.

  5. Muscle Aches: Your muscles might hurt or feel weak.

  6. Brain Fog: It can be harder to concentrate, you might forget things, and your mood can swing.

  7. Problems in the Bathroom: Constipation is a common issue.

  8. Hoarse Voice: Your voice might change, and your throat can feel weird.

There are different reasons why someone might develop hypothyroidism. It could be due to an autoimmune condition, medications, surgery, or a lack of iodine in your diet.


Decoding ICD-10

Now, let’s talk about the ICD-10 code system. ICD stands for “International Classification of Diseases,” and it’s in its 10th edition, which is why it’s called ICD-10. This system is like a dictionary of codes that healthcare professionals use to classify and describe health conditions. It’s used around the world to make sure everyone is speaking the same language when it comes to health.

Anatomy of an ICD-10 Code

ICD-10 codes are a bit like secret agent codes, with letters and numbers making up each one. Here’s how they work:

  • Character 1: This is a letter that puts the condition into a category. For hypothyroidism, it starts with “E” for “Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases.”

  • Characters 2 and 3: These are numbers that give more details about the condition. In the case of hypothyroidism, it narrows down to “03.”

  • Character 4: This number tells you what’s causing the condition. For many cases of hypothyroidism, it’s “0” because the exact cause isn’t specified.

  • Character 5: This character can provide extra details, like any complications related to the condition. In most cases of hypothyroidism, it’s “9,” indicating unspecified complications.

So, for hypothyroidism, the ICD-10 code usually looks like “E03.9.” This code says it’s an “Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic disease” specifically identified as “Hypothyroidism” with no specific cause or complications mentioned.


Why ICD-10 Codes Matter for Hypothyroidism


ICD-10 codes are important for several reasons:

1. Keeping Accurate Records

ICD-10 codes help doctors and healthcare providers keep accurate records of your health. When they see you for hypothyroidism, they use this code to note your condition properly, which helps them provide the best care.

2. Navigating Insurance

When you need to use your health insurance, the ICD-10 code comes into play. It tells your insurance company what’s going on with your health and helps them figure out what’s covered. So, if you have hypothyroidism, the ICD-10 code is vital for ensuring you get the right coverage for your treatments and medications.

3. Tracking Health Trends

All these codes are collected and used to make health statistics. Public health agencies, researchers, and policymakers use this data to see what’s happening in the world of health. They can spot trends, allocate resources, and track the impact of conditions like hypothyroidism.

4. Fueling Medical Research

For researchers studying hypothyroidism, the ICD-10 code is a treasure trove of information. They use these codes to find people with specific conditions and investigate the causes, treatments, and connections to other health problems.


Understanding the ICD-10 Code for Hypothyroidism

ICD-10 code for hypothyroidism​

As we mentioned, the ICD-10 code for hypothyroidism is E03.9. Now, let’s break it down into simple terms:

  • E: This is the category letter. It tells us that the code is related to “Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases.”

  • 03: These two numbers get more specific, pinpointing the condition as “Hypothyroidism.”

  • .9: The period and the number “9” mean that the code is used when the cause or complications of hypothyroidism aren’t specified. This is common when the doctor’s diagnosis doesn’t point to a particular cause or related problems.


Different ICD-10 Codes for Hypothyroidism

It’s important to know that while E03.9 is the general ICD-10 code for unspecified hypothyroidism, there are more specific codes for different types and causes of hypothyroidism when they are known. Here are some examples:

  • E03.1 is for congenital hypothyroidism, which means it’s a condition you’re born with.

  • E03.2 is used when hypothyroidism is linked to a goiter, which is an enlarged thyroid gland.

  • E03.3 covers cases where certain medications have caused hypothyroidism.

  • E03.8 is for other specified types of hypothyroidism, not covered by the previous codes.

These more specific codes help healthcare providers give a precise description of the type and cause of hypothyroidism, which can be valuable for medical professionals and researchers.


The Role of the Healthcare Provider

The correct use of ICD-10 codes depends on the healthcare provider’s diagnosis. It’s up to the healthcare provider to determine the type and cause of hypothyroidism, if possible, and assign the right ICD-10 code. They do this through various tests, like measuring thyroid hormone levels and investigating potential underlying causes.


Wrapping Up

In a nutshell, the ICD-10 code for hypothyroidism, E03.9, is like a secret key to accurately describing and categorizing this common condition in the world of healthcare. It helps keep records in order, simplifies insurance claims, aids in understanding health trends, and supports scientific research. Furthermore, there are more specific ICD-10 codes available for detailing different types and causes of hypothyroidism, making it a versatile tool for healthcare providers and researchers. Ultimately, the ICD-10 code system improves communication and comprehension among healthcare professionals, insurers, researchers, and public health agencies, leading to better patient care and a deeper understanding of medical conditions.


  1. American Thyroid Association. (2021). Hypothyroidism. Retrieved from

  2. World Health Organization. (2021). International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Retrieved from

  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM). Retrieved from

  4. Mayo Clinic. (2021). Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). Retrieved from

  5. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. (2021). Hypothyroidism. Retrieved from

Written by-
Sayem Al Helal
Graduate Medical Technologist
(University of Dhaka)

Potential of glutathione in asthma management

Asthma, a chronic respiratory condition affecting millions globally, is characterized by airway inflammation leading to symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. There is significant potential of glutathione in asthma management. Effective asthma management typically involves a multifaceted approach encompassing medications, lifestyle adaptations, and the avoidance of triggers. In recent years, the potential of glutathione in alleviating asthma symptoms and enhancing overall lung health has gained increasing attention. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what glutathione is, its role in asthma management, and the potential benefits of incorporating it into your asthma treatment strategy.

Understanding Glutathione

Understanding Glutathione

Glutathione, often referred to as GSH, is a tripeptide molecule composed of three essential amino acids: cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine. This remarkable compound plays a pivotal role in maintaining the balance between oxidative and antioxidative processes within the human body. Glutathione functions as a powerful antioxidant, shielding our cells from damage caused by free radicals and reactive oxygen species. Moreover, it facilitates detoxification by binding to toxins and assisting in their elimination from the body.

In the context of asthma, glutathione assumes significance for its potential to combat oxidative stress and inflammation within the airways. Asthma is closely linked to oxidative stress, a state where there is an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the body’s ability to neutralize them. This oxidative stress fuels inflammation and damages airway cells, thus worsening asthma symptoms.

The Role of Glutathione in Asthma

Role of glutathione in asthma
  1. Tackling Oxidative Stress

One of the pivotal roles of glutathione in asthma management is its capacity to counteract oxidative stress. Individuals with asthma often exhibit reduced levels of glutathione in their lung tissues and bronchoalveolar fluid, which is correlated with increased oxidative stress. This decrease in glutathione levels may be attributed to genetic factors, environmental influences, or the usage of specific medications. Unchecked oxidative stress amplifies asthma symptoms and contributes to long-term damage in the lungs.

Glutathione functions as a formidable antioxidant by quelling free radicals and reactive oxygen species, the culprits behind oxidative stress. Elevating glutathione levels in the body can mitigate the detrimental effects of oxidative stress on the airways, potentially leading to improved asthma control.

  1. Easing Airway Inflammation

Asthma is characterized by chronic airway inflammation, a process that triggers bronchoconstriction and gradual airway remodeling. Inflammation in the airways is driven by several factors, including the activation of immune cells and the release of pro-inflammatory molecules. Glutathione has demonstrated its prowess in moderating inflammation by diminishing the production of these pro-inflammatory molecules.

Research indicates that glutathione can inhibit the activation of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB), a transcription factor that plays a pivotal role in the expression of genes responsible for inflammation. By restraining NF-κB, glutathione helps in downregulating the inflammatory response within the airways, potentially ameliorating asthma symptoms.

  1. Enhancing Lung Function

Enhancing lung function is a primary objective in asthma management. Diminished lung function, assessed through the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), often serves as a marker of asthma severity. Glutathione demonstrates promise in boosting lung function among individuals with asthma.

One potential mechanism by which glutathione improves lung function involves relaxing the smooth muscles in the airways, thus averting their constriction during asthma attacks. Additionally, glutathione’s ability to reduce airway inflammation can further enhance lung function by preventing the narrowing of airways. By augmenting lung function, glutathione may enable individuals with asthma to breathe more comfortably and reduce the frequency and severity of asthma symptoms.

  1. Fortifying the Immune System

A robust immune system is imperative for individuals with asthma as infections and respiratory illnesses can exacerbate their symptoms. Glutathione plays a role in supporting the immune system by enhancing the function of immune cells like T cells and natural killer cells. This augmentation can empower individuals with asthma to better ward off respiratory infections that could trigger asthma attacks.

Supplementing with Glutathione

There are various methods to elevate glutathione levels in the body, encompassing dietary choices, lifestyle modifications, and supplementation. Here are some strategies for augmenting glutathione:

  1. Dietary Choices: Incorporating glutathione-boosting foods into your diet can aid in raising glutathione levels. Foods rich in cysteine, such as eggs, garlic, and onions, support glutathione production. Additionally, selenium-rich foods like Brazil nuts enhance the efficiency of the enzyme responsible for recycling glutathione in the body.
  2. N-acetylcysteine (NAC): NAC is a supplement that provides cysteine, a precursor to glutathione. It is often employed to increase glutathione levels in individuals with asthma. NAC has also demonstrated the potential to reduce exacerbations and enhance lung function in certain asthmatic patients.
  3. Glutathione Supplements: Some individuals may benefit from direct glutathione supplementation. These supplements are available in various forms, including oral capsules, sublingual sprays, and intravenous injections. The choice of supplementation method should be made in consultation with a healthcare professional, as each form has varying bioavailability and potential side effects.
  4. Exercise: Regular physical activity can elevate glutathione levels. Exercise promotes the release of glutathione and supports its role in mitigating oxidative stress. However, individuals with asthma should exercise with caution and develop a personalized plan in consultation with their healthcare provider.
  5. Lifestyle Modifications: Reducing exposure to environmental toxins and pollutants can help maintain glutathione levels in the body. This includes avoiding smoking and secondhand smoke, and minimizing exposure to air pollution and allergens.

Glutathione plays a vital role in mitigating oxidative stress, reducing airway inflammation, enhancing lung function, and supporting the immune system in individuals with asthma. It represents a promising avenue for improving asthma management and symptom control. However, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before initiating any new treatments or supplements, including those aimed at increasing glutathione levels. They can provide personalized guidance and help determine the most appropriate approach to incorporating glutathione into an individual’s asthma management plan. As research in this area continues to evolve, glutathione may become an increasingly valuable component of comprehensive asthma care, offering hope for better quality of life for those affected by this chronic respiratory condition.

Written by-

Sayem Al Helal
Graduate Health Technologist (University of Dhaka)
Former Paramedic (Urban Primary Health Care Project)


  1. Medical Journals: Look for research articles in medical journals that discuss the role of glutathione in asthma management. Some reputable medical journals that often feature articles on asthma and related topics include the “Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology” and the “American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.”
  2. Academic Books: Consider citing books written by experts in the field of respiratory medicine and immunology, particularly those that delve into the biochemistry and pharmacology of antioxidants like glutathione.
  3. Health Organizations: Reference guidelines and publications from reputable health organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO), the American Lung Association, and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI).
  4. Government Health Agencies: You can also include information from government health agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
  5. Scientific Reviews: Peer-reviewed literature reviews or meta-analyses that summarize and analyze multiple studies on glutathione and asthma can provide a well-rounded view of the current state of research.
  6. Clinical Trials: If there are ongoing or recent clinical trials related to glutathione and asthma, referencing the trial protocols or results can provide valuable insights.

Image credit: Image by vector4stock on Freepik

Uses of Technology in Different Fields of Healthcare

Health Technology is helping doctors and nurses provide better care to patients in many different parts of healthcare. We will look at how technology is making things better in Pathology, Physiotherapy, Radiology and Imaging, Dental, Radiotherapy, and Pharmacy. So Uses of Technology in Different Fields of Healthcare is increasing day by day. Here are the fields of health technology.

1. Laboratory Medicine

Pathologist examines on microscope

Technology is helping doctors look at samples of tissues more closely. This helps them diagnose diseases better and faster. Computers can also help doctors understand the samples better, making healthcare better for everyone.

Pathology is the study of disease. Pathologists use a variety of health technologies to diagnose and monitor diseases, including:

  • Microscopy: Pathologists use microscopes to examine tissue and cells for signs of disease.
  • Immunohistochemistry: Immunohistochemistry is a technique that uses antibodies to identify specific proteins in cells and tissues. This can be used to diagnose cancer and other diseases.
  • Molecular diagnostics: Molecular diagnostics are tests that analyze DNA and RNA to identify genetic changes associated with disease. This information can be used to diagnose diseases, predict a patient’s risk of developing a disease, and guide treatment decisions.

2. Physiotherapy

physiotherapist checking knee

If you’ve ever had an injury and had to do exercises to get better, you’ll know how technology can help. Devices and apps can help you do your exercises and track your progress. You can also talk to your physiotherapist through a video call, which is very helpful, especially if you live far away.

Physiotherapy is the treatment of injury and disease through physical means, such as exercise, massage, and manipulation. Physiotherapists use a variety of health technologies to help their patients recover from injuries and improve their mobility and function. These technologies include:

  • Electrotherapy: Electrotherapy is the use of electrical currents to stimulate nerves and muscles. This can be used to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and improve muscle strength.
  • Ultrasound therapy: Ultrasound therapy uses sound waves to heat tissues and promote healing. It can also be used to create images of muscles and tendons.
  • Laser therapy: Laser therapy uses light to reduce inflammation and promote healing. It can also be used to relieve pain.

3. Radiology and Imaging

Radiologist operating city scan

Technology is making X-rays and scans much safer and clearer. Doctors can also see these images on their computers, so they don’t need to carry around physical pictures. Computers are also getting really good at helping doctors find problems in these pictures, like tumors or broken bones.

Radiology and imaging are the use of radiation to create images of the inside of the body. These images can be used to diagnose diseases, guide treatment, and monitor the effects of treatment. Some of the most common radiology and imaging technologies include:

  • X-rays: X-rays are a type of radiation that can be used to create images of bones and other dense tissues.
  • Computed tomography (CT) scans: CT scans use X-rays to create detailed images of the inside of the body.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans: MRI scans use magnetic fields and radio waves to create images of the inside of the body.
  • Positron emission tomography (PET) scans: PET scans use radioactive tracers to create images of the inside of the body.

4. Dental

Dentist operating in patient's mouth

Going to the dentist can be scary, but technology is making it easier. Dentists use machines to make molds of your teeth without the gooey stuff. They can also make things like braces and crowns with 3D printers, which means they fit better and last longer.

Dental health technology is used to diagnose and treat dental problems, such as cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss. Some of the most common dental health technologies include:

  • Dental X-rays: Dental X-rays are used to create images of the teeth and jaws. This can be used to diagnose cavities, gum disease, and other dental problems.
  • Intraoral cameras: Intraoral cameras are small cameras that are used to take pictures of the inside of the mouth. This can be used to diagnose dental problems and plan treatment.
  • 3D printers: 3D printers are used to create custom dental appliances, such as crowns, bridges, and dentures.

5. Radiotherapy


For people fighting cancer, technology is really important. Radiation therapy is a common treatment, and technology helps doctors aim the radiation at the cancer without hurting the healthy parts around it. Robots and computers make this treatment more accurate and comfortable.

Radiotherapy works by damaging cancer cells and preventing them from growing and dividing. Some of the most common radiotherapy technologies include:

  • External beam radiation therapy: External beam radiation therapy uses radiation beams from a machine outside the body to target cancer cells.
  • Internal radiation therapy: Internal radiation therapy involves placing radioactive material inside the body to target cancer cells.
  • Brachytherapy: Brachytherapy is a type of internal radiation therapy that uses small radioactive seeds or pellets that are placed directly into the tumor or near it.

6. Pharmacy

Pharmacist in Pharmacy

When you get a prescription, technology helps pharmacists make sure you get the right medicine. They use computers to check if your medicine will work well with other medicines you might be taking. If you live far from a pharmacy, technology lets you talk to a pharmacist online, so you can still get help.

Pharmacy is the science and practice of preparing and dispensing medications. Pharmacists use a variety of health technologies to ensure that patients receive the right medications at the right dose. These technologies include:

  • Computerized dispensing systems: Computerized dispensing systems help pharmacists to accurately and efficiently dispense medications.
  • Automated prescription filling systems: Automated prescription filling systems can quickly and accurately fill prescriptions.
  • Medication therapy management (MTM): MTM programs help patients to manage their medications and get the most out of their treatment.

At the end-

Technology is making healthcare better in many ways. It helps doctors diagnose diseases, makes therapy more accessible, and improves the quality of X-rays and scans. Dentistry is also getting easier with 3D printing, and technology is helping cancer patients with radiation treatment. Pharmacies use computers to keep you safe when you take medicine. As technology keeps improving, healthcare will become even better and more accessible for everyone.

Written by-

Md Abu Sayem Al Helal
Diploma in Medical Technology
The State Medical Faculty of Bangladesh
B.Sc in Health Technology
University of Dhaka

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Health Technology

Health Technology

In our fast-changing world, technology is part of our everyday life, including healthcare. Health technology, often called health tech, is making big changes in how we take care of our health. From fitness trackers to talking to doctors through a computer, health tech is transforming healthcare. In this article, we’ll explore how health technology is making healthcare better.

The Growth of Health Technology

Health technology has grown a lot in the past few years. It started with simple devices like thermometers and blood pressure machines. Now, we have fancy gadgets like smartwatches and special clothes that can watch our health all the time. These gadgets can help us know how active we are, how we sleep, and even keep an eye on our vital signs.

Health Watches: Keeping an Eye on Your Health

You might have seen or even worn a smartwatch. These watches do more than just tell time. They can watch your health, too! They can check your heart rate, track your steps, and even tell you if you need to move around more. This helps us make better choices about our health.

Talking to Doctors from Home

Sometimes, it’s hard to go to the doctor’s office. But now, we can talk to doctors from our homes using the internet. This is called telemedicine. It’s especially helpful during times like the COVID-19 pandemic. Doctors can see and help patients without being in the same room.

Electronic Health Records

Doctors used to keep our health records on paper. But now, most of them keep them on computers. These electronic health records (EHRs) are easier to use and help doctors take better care of us. Plus, they can share our records with other doctors when needed.

Smart Computers That Learn

Smart computers are really good at learning. They use something called artificial intelligence (AI) to help doctors and scientists. They can look at lots and lots of health information to find patterns. This helps with things like finding diseases early and picking the best treatments.

Robots in Surgery

Surgeons sometimes use robots to help them during surgery. These robots are like super precise tools that make surgery safer and recovery faster.

Why Health Technology Is Great

Health technology gives us a lot of good things:

You Can Be More Involved: With health tech, you can be more involved in taking care of yourself. You can see how you’re doing and make changes to be healthier.

Easy to Get Help: Telemedicine makes it easy to talk to a doctor when you need help. There’s no need for you to go a long distance or endure lengthy waits.

Saves Money: Sometimes, health tech can save money because it helps prevent problems and hospital stays.

Smarter Medicine: Health tech helps doctors pick the right treatments for you, based on your own body and health data.

Challenges We Need to Solve

However, there are certain aspects we must exercise caution regarding:

Protecting Your Information: Health tech needs to keep your health information safe from hackers. Laws and security measures are important to keep your data private.

Not for Everyone: Not everyone can use health tech, and we need to make sure everyone can benefit from these new tools.

Rules and Safety: Sometimes, health tech grows faster than the rules and safety checks. We need to make sure these tools are safe and work well.

Health technology is changing the way we take care of our health. It’s helping us be healthier and get care easier. But we also need to make sure it’s safe and that everyone can use it. The future of healthcare is exciting, thanks to health technology and all health technologist, this health technology is going to make our lives better.

Written by-

Md Abu Sayem Al Helal
Diploma in Medical Technology
The State Medical Faculty of Bangladesh
B.Sc in Health Technology
University of Dhaka

Image credit: Image by Freepik


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No Cavity Toothache may be a Cause of Nerve Pain


Toothaches happen to many people. Most think cavities cause all toothaches, but that’s not always true. Sometimes, toothaches come from nerve pain. In this article, we’ll talk about tooth pain and how nerves can be the reason.

The Parts of a Tooth

To understand toothaches, we need to know what a tooth is made of. Each tooth has layers: the outer one is enamel, then comes dentin, and inside is the pulp chamber with nerves and blood vessels. Tooth decay usually starts on the outside and moves inside, affecting these layers.

Cavities and Toothaches

Most toothaches are because of cavities. Cavities form when bacteria attack the tooth’s surface, making the enamel and dentin weaker. When a cavity reaches the dentin, it can cause pain. This pain can come when you eat hot or cold foods, sweets, or when you press on the tooth.

Nerve-Related Toothaches

Sometimes, tooth pain is not from cavities but from problems with the nerves inside the tooth. Here are a few reasons why nerves can cause toothaches:

Injury: If you get hit in the face or hurt your tooth, it can damage the nerves and cause a toothache.

Infections: Bacteria can get into the pulp chamber when you have untreated cavities or dental work, leading to a painful infection called pulpitis.

Grinding Teeth: If you grind or clench your teeth often, it can make the nerves unhappy.

Getting Older: As we grow older, the pulp chamber can get smaller and more sensitive.

Pain from Other Places: Sometimes, pain from somewhere else, like your jaw or sinuses, can make your teeth hurt, even if they’re healthy.

How to Tell the Difference

It can be hard to know if your toothache is from cavities or nerves because the pain feels similar. Here are some things to help you figure it out:

What Causes the Pain: Think about what makes your tooth hurt. Does it hurt when you eat hot or cold things, or does it hurt for no reason?

Sensitivity: If your tooth is very sensitive to hot or cold, it might be a cavity causing the pain.

How Long It Lasts: Nerve pain often doesn’t go away and can get worse over time. Cavities might give you pain that comes and goes.

Get Help from a Dentist

No matter where your toothache comes from, it’s important to see a dentist. They can figure out what’s wrong by looking at your tooth and taking X-rays.

What Can Be Done

The treatment for your toothache depends on why it hurts:

If it’s because of cavities, the dentist might fill your tooth, put a crown on it, or in severe cases, do a root canal.

If it’s because of nerve problems, you might need a root canal to remove the hurt nerves or, in really bad cases, they might take the tooth out.


Toothaches are not fun, but not all of them are because of cavities. Some come from nerve pain. Knowing what’s causing your toothache helps the dentist treat it right. So, if your tooth hurts a lot and won’t stop, don’t wait. Go see a dentist to find out what’s wrong and get the right treatment.

Image credit: Image by benzoix on Freepik